Headache Treatment
Everyone knows what it's like to have an occasional tension headache. If you're lucky, you're not one of the 17% of adults who struggle with recurrent, severe headaches. As a board-certified neurologist and headache specialist, Risa Ravitz, MD, at Modern Migraine MD, has helped many patients find effective and long-lasting relief from headache pain. To learn more about your treatment options, schedule an in-person or telemedicine appointment today. Connect using the online booking feature or call the office in the NoMad neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City, Toms River, New Jersey, or Aventura, Florida.
Headache Q & A
What causes headaches?
Though there are more than 150 different types of headaches, they all go into one of two categories, based on their cause:
Primary headaches
A primary headache begins in your head and neck. Tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches represent three of the most common primary headaches.
Secondary headaches
Secondary headaches arise from an underlying health condition. Concussions, sinusitis, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders cause secondary headaches. You may also develop an ongoing COVID-19 headache that persists after your infection heals.
What symptoms do headaches cause?
You already know that all headaches cause pain. However, the type of pain, as well as its severity, location, and frequency, define each type of headache. Here are three examples:
Tension headaches
These headaches cause mild to moderate pain along with pressure or tightness. You may feel the pressure across your forehead or around the sides and back of your head.
Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches cause an excruciating stabbing pain around one eye. These headaches occur in clusters lasting from a week to a year before they go into temporary remission. During a cluster period, you have one or more daily headaches, with each one lasting 15 minutes to three hours.
Migraine headaches
Migraines cause severe, throbbing pain that begins around one temple. Your pain may stay on one side or spread to the other temple. Some people have aura, which causes unusual vision or sensation changes before their migraine.
During the migraine, you have nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to lights and smells. This type of headache lasts at least four hours (without treatment) and can continue for three days.
How are headaches treated?
Modern Migraine MD specializes in diagnosing the type of headache and creating a holistic care plan that deals with all the aspects of your life that contribute to your headaches.
Dr. Ravitz begins by helping you identify the things that trigger your headaches and developing a proactive plan to avoid them. She may recommend changes in your diet, nutritional supplements, tips for getting a good night's sleep, or alternative therapies to relieve stress such as acupuncture, meditation, or yoga.
Your treatment also includes medications that effectively relieve your type of headache. While tension headaches respond to over-the-counter medications, you need prescription medications and other treatments for cluster headaches and migraines.
Some medications relieve your pain during an attack, and others prevent or reduce the number of future headaches. Dr. Ravitz may also recommend effective treatments such as Botox® injections and vagus nerve stimulation.
If you need relief from headaches, call Modern Migraine MD or book an appointment online today.